Future Predictions


Your Vee Cast
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual runes to learn more about it's specific properties.

Past Actions Effecting the Question

Eihwaz represents the Yew tree and its everlasting nature. The Yew may bend, but it does not break. You are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals. Congratulations!

Present Actions Effecting the Question

Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life's path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as "Gambler's Rune." You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.

Future Results You Should Consider

Othala represents a solid, immovable home, prosperity and safety. Good fortune based on your heritage and character is yours to enjoy.

Actions You Should Consider

Dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. You are close to making a breakthrough. You have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. You may see the world with absolute clarity at this time.

Feelings of Those Around You

Ansuz represents mankind's spiritual connection to God and the universe. It is often referred to as the "God Rune." This Rune embodies reason, truth and justice. It denotes the coming of knowledge and true counsel from a higher authority.

Possible Delays

Jera denotes positive, recurring cycles, fertility and a time to harvest rewards from your hard work.

Possible Future Outcome

Gebo represents the coming of gifts and favors. While each are usually positive events, they often carry obligations with them. Gebo often represents strong bonds such as deep friendships and marriage.


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