

Your Birthday - born 8th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 8th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 8th, May :
Venus is a ruler of this day and May 8 is someone who can't do without beauty. Usually beautiful themselves, they can be enormously vain about their best features, notably great hair and astonishing legs. May 8 will always be drawing attention to one or the other. There will be a lot of running hands through the rich mane, and with women a great deal of tossing hair. But why not? For these people it is an absolute crowning glory. Except of course, for those who are challenged in this department, as some bulls - not a creature famous for its hairy nature - are. This person goes barefoot as much as possible in the house, and outside in the summer. The feet are lovely, the ankles superb and the rest is not left to the imagination. Women will wear skirts up to there and men dress in shorts, or else jeans so tight they show every sinew. In private this individual campaigns for the environment and for beautiful buildings, which they like to visit. And they are tough opponents, well able to hold a crowd with persuasive speaking. They are also good at raising money with a silky telephone manner and charmingly well-argued letters. Many companies like to employ them, using these talents for persuasion to benefit the product. They may also flourish in the political arena, with the combined assets of physical good looks and plausible beliefs. And they may make a great deal of money for themselves. May 8 is good at running his or her own business and if they are employed, quite often manipulate their redundancy or sacking (with money) so that they are free to pursue their own plans. Few of them are afraid of the isolation which comes with working for themselves. They just pick up the phone and call friends, and enjoy the time they now have to stop and talk and simply enjoy the rhythms of life.
Body :

This person is drawn to a vegetarian life, they find eating something with a face off-putting. This being so, they have strong stomachs, good digestion and few intestinal complaints. Nor is food poisoning much of a problem. They should ensure, when cooking for a family which might not want to be vegetarian, that some meat and fish is included, and that all the dishes made for others are as tasty and unfaddish as possible. A lot of people really don't want to be stuffed with veggie burgers. Beansprouts can be boring. And radishes and beans make you fart.
Mind :

Some people born on this day swear by keeping a piece of rose quartz in their pocket for its mystical properties, which includes the ability to soothe and fire the imagination.

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